Tuesday, August 5, 2008

You say Mumbai, I say Hello.... Hello Hello....

We landed on Monday morning and we were amazed at the sights and sounds of the city. We love big cities like New York because of the energy and vibe, but Mumbai is twice as crowded and ten times as noisy. A couple of numbers to put it in perspective.

Population 13.6 million
233 square miles
56,669/sq. mile

New York City:
Population 8.2 million
468.9 square miles
27,147/sq. mile

The air is polluted and death awaits every time you cross the street or step off of the sidewalk. Cars pile on each other 2 to a lane in their tiny taxis of terror. They all honk incessantly and do not stop for pedestrians. It makes walking anywhere an intense experience not for the faint of heart.

Now for the good. Mumbai is the most expensive city in India and everything is still cheap. Beers are $1 and dinner usually costs about $2.50. Food and lodging are about half price outside of Mumba, so our wallets are anxious to explore.

In Mumbai, we have succesfully walked miles of the city trying to find recommended restaurants in unmarked alley ways. The vendors hocking crap to tourists are out in force, but we have resisted so far. We traveled to Elephant Island - which was beautiful, but marred with torrential downpours that ruined it for us.

C'est la vie. The metropolis of Mumbai may have been our first taste of India, but like a scorned lover, we are ready to move on. A sleeper train awaits to carry us north. More to come.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You guys are suck lovable dorks, hehe .. travel safe 'n have fun!