Thursday, August 7, 2008

The night train, bottoms up

It wasn't air conditioned and it was grungy, but it could've been worse. When we bought the night train sleeper tickets the ticket agent suggested we get top bunks b/c it is better. I've slept on top bunks in Euro trains and it has been fine.

Well, we showed up last night and literally, the bottom bunk had about 4 feet of head room and a storage place for luggage. The top bunk had about 1.5 feet of room and no storage place for luggage. It would've been a nightmare to sleep up there, but thankfully no one showed for the bottom bunks so we swooped on 'em.

Damn ticket agent fuckin' w/ us foreigners.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i want to see a pic of your shaved head, Thor! Love Kristin =)